Tell Me the Old Old Story in a New WayWhen you ask someone to describe church, many say church is, "Boring!"
Why is this?
How have we as Christ followers transformed the greatest News for every human into the legal proceedings from Yawnsville, Texas? (Is there such a place? . . .)
What is going on within our lives as believers that hits the snooze button of our society and culture?Thanks to Chris Drake and the team at the Dayton Adventist Church who introduced me to this, I share this resource with you.
We all can tell the Old Old Story in fresh new ways with our lives!Using modern day parables, the team from 36 Parables is "arresting the attention" by retelling the parables of Christ. (For more on arresting the attention, click hereto learn how one church plant refuses to bore!l).
Check it out for yourself by going to their website at
God bless, and may we each be submitted humble servants of Christ to audaciously share the Hope of His Soon Return with the Globe!