Doug's Advenntures
Sunday, January 29, 2006
  Covert Church Planting - The Secret's Out
According to The Reach Seventh-day Adventist Church website, this new church plant is now meeting at Columbia Foursquare Church, on 700 Comstock Street, in Richland, WA 99352.
Wrong. They moved. But they forgot to tell the rest of us. We arrived by 10 AM, to this empty parking lot. We tried every door of this church, only to find each one locked. Perhaps they believe in the "Shut Door" theory of church planting - if you don't come on time, then too bad! You're out of luck, and you're locked out!

We then started calling around to various Adventist Churches in the Tri Cities area. We asked for directions to The Reach, and the lady who answered us, said, "I was wondering where they are meeting now." After 20 minutes and several phone calls later, we finally found a church who knew the "secret" location of the Richland Reach Church Plant - an elementary school in West Richland.

There were no signs on the street, or in front of the entrance to direct us. I was told that this was a part of their covert church planting strategy. Thanks Loren!

Once we found this "covert" church plant, we were warmly greeted. Pastor Dave Mauck had a great message entitled, "The Prodigal God". It was about the love of God as demonstrated in the parable of the two prodigal sons in Luke 15. There were approximately 40 individuals in attendance.

Those who want to join The Reach, can find them at Chief Joseph Middle School, in North Richland, WA on February 4 & 11, 2006. Until a more permanent location can be found, they will continue to meet at Enterprise Middle School, located at 5200 Paradise Way, in West Richland, WA, 99353.

An engaging Bible study with Teacher Marc

How easy is your church to find?

Is your church plant listed in the phone book?

Does your church website have accurate information?

Do you have street signs to assist those trying to find you?

Are you readily found in the local newspaper?

Has the local gas station worker heard about your church? If someone was looking for your church (existing church or new church plant) how many clues have you left in the community?

I believe that any church plant must follow the example I witnessed in the children's Bible study class at The Reach. With their arms extended wide open they sing vigorously about the love of Jesus. Now I know why they are the called the "reach" - they are extending the loving arms of God to their community. "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself." John 12:32 NKJ

Country Haven Academy Practical Arts Training

What trail will you blaze? Will others be able to follow your blaze of faith to Christ?
  The Only Purpose of the Church
Thank you Richland Seventh-day Adventist Church for reminding us of the only purpose for church - to save those who are lost. That's what Jesus purpose was.

"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost."
NLT Luke 19:10
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