Ways to Help with those suffering from Hurricane Katrina
How can I help?
Send MoneyAdventist Community Services (ACS) is recommending the donation of money instead of goods at this time. Monetary donations enable relief organizations to purchase the mosturgently needed goods right away. It's more economical to purchase neededgoods in large quantities. To donate, contact ACS Disaster Response at1-877-ACS-2702, or donate online at
http://www.communityservices.org/donations.htm. Major credit cards areaccepted with online or phoned donations.
Donations in check or money order can also be sent by postal mail to:
North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Adventist Community Services Disaster Response
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600
Volunteers NeededGet your hands dirty and help by going online and complete the
Volunteer Registration Form.
Print it out and fax it to 318-631-6247.
Ham Radio Operators NeededAmateur Radio Volunteers Involved in Katrina Recovery - Amateur radio operators in Louisiana and nearby states are already organizing to address the Hurricane Katrina situation. Read read more by clicking
here about this online. The Adventist Amateur Radio Association is working with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, sponsored by the American Radio Relay League. "People who contact you withhealth and welfare traffic can be encouraged to find an active hamoperator in their vicinity and have him get on the SATERN net mentioned in the article, or go to their website at
www.satern.org" says Jim Hoffer, president of the Adventist Amateur Radio Association.