Doug's Advenntures
Monday, February 26, 2007
  Fresh Media Resources You Can Use! (At a price we all can afford!)
Looking for ways to seize the attention of the unchurched?
What can your church planting team do to harness all the creativity, arts, and energy to creatively share the Gospel to this generation?

As a busy church planting pastor, I'm always looking for tools I can use to sharpen me, and to inspire my team to do all we can to creatively share the Message of Hope.

Here's the latest sermon & media resources you can use, at a price we can all afford!
(Thanks to a fellow blogger Pastor Bobby Gruenewald, Innovation Pastor with for the heads up on these other churches who are advancing the Gospel in compelling, and relevant ways.)

  • All Access: The team at Seacoast Church (A multi-campus church based in North / South Carolina) have several sermon series and related media for free! (bulletin cover & inside, eVite, third screen for power point). Check out their sermon series entitled "Ten Simple Rules" about the 10 Commandments at
  • Swagbags: Need some help with your next sermon series ? Then grab a bag! For free! Really! Thanks to the team at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY they are sharing their "resources to make ministry that much better!" Free downloads include Countdown Videos, Photoshop® Files (Layered Photoshop® files), MS Powerpoint Backgrounds, and Adobe Photoshop invite postcards to mail out to the community.

Help me keep an eye out for others who are sharing their God-given creativity with the rest of us so we together can Uplift Christ higher!



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